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Roller Coaster Project-Physics

Science had a bountiful amount of projects and courses this year, we learned about new things, and reviewed topics from past years, but on e project that was most recent and fun for me and my peers was the roller coaster project, we used the information we learned about physics in her class, and Newton's laws to create a roller coaster and find the different parts of physics and laws in the roller coaster. Which had led us to being able to make a wonderful roller coaster and learning more about physics and especially Newton's Law. 
Yes, for the roller coaster we were able to work with up to three partners, and I only had one partner, but we pulled off a really great simple coaster, that had all the requirements in which we were supposed to label the laws of Newton that applied on a portion of the coaster. And when the ball was the fastest, the slowest, and other information about speed and physics. 
The roller coaster we created looks like the image on the right. It's made out of plastic/foam tubing, and it goes down on the first part to gain speed to make it around the loop, which also continues to go down so it can gain more speed for the final loop and because it's low on energy at the end, it slows down and stops at the cup at the way bottom. Labels on the roller coaster include the laws of Newton which take effect on different parts of the roller coaster, and when the speed is the fastest and when it's the slowest.
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