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7th Grade in Adventure

This year was pretty interesting and full of experiences. 
For anyone that's reading you can tell this is my third year at Adventure, my name's Malena (Mah-Leh-Nah),
I could be a common middle schooler, but Adventure makes you go above n' beyond, Adventure allows creative thinking, clever minds, and original new ideas to prepare you for the future. 
and I've learned a lot from my experience in Adventure.
I've been able to learn my abilities, I'm an artist in a way, I represent my stories in words or art. 
This year allowed me to be more open to ideas, in projects. 
How to survive 7th Grade!

Knowing 7th grade and the new rule you wanna remember a few simple steps.

On Friday's if you have an iphone or a google account, open up your calander, make sure to add to remind you about bird brain and repeat it ever week, it'll make sure you can't forget! Or lose points, do it for blogs too.

Don't try to control the group like a boss. Teamwork is key, or your team will go against you sooner or later.

If a team mate isn't working or doesn't want to do work, talk to the teacher privately about it, they'll help you and your partner. 

Actually do your blog, I can't stress to say you'll never get over it if you forget to do your blog.

Remind yourself about homework somehow, for me I wrote on my hand to my arm but I would recommend writing on a place you'll remember to look. 

Great Things about Adventure

Adventure enchances a students ability in presentations, collaborations, and even in having an open variety of tech tools, and with projects you are able to express how creative you can be and what you can show the class about what you've learned. 

And while learning in Adventure you learn partnership with others and solo work, so you can master two types of work.

And when in Adventure I'm able to learn about working with different teachers and havng new teams and people I'm not familiar with working with me, it would help me in the future because it allows me to work with new people in the future.

And because Adventure has a wide variety of ideas and lets you freely create your projects. 

It's very hands on and allows the person to do something you are good at, especially in groups and in solo's, the difference of works allow us to do what we want or take part in the part of the group you are good at. 

For me, I enjoy doing art, and while in the Globaloria Class, I enjoyed working on art and being able to make art for a video game I helped create, the image below is the start screen art I used in our game, Biomes Bonanaza. 

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