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Social Studies


In Social Studies, this year we learned much more on Ancient Cities rather than anything else. That was the main focus of the year. So while doing so, each different Ancient culture we learned about, we had a project on at the end of it. So while doing so we would be basically 'tested' on what we learned during the section of the ancient culture.


So on these, we would be doing a activity or poster or presentation or even a video on what we did for them, and what we learned from it and what we liked thev most and what we mostly learned or learn step by step how something or a topic of it worked.


So the project that I had favored over the rest would've probably been the Ancient Greek God Poster. 

This was where we had to create a proster of a greek god or goddess of our choice and write information and a story with them in it and what they are the god or goddess of and why they matter.


This god that you see on your left is the goddess that I made a poster of, Artemis, the innocent Goddess of the Moon.

She is a unique goddess because while other goddess find love and have affairs with others she barely falls in love with any men and doesn't seek interest with others.


This project has inpired me to see how cultures all have differnet gods but some have the same personality while others can lead onto what they think could have happened or what they believe in and how they give their gods stories and reasons to why they are their god and why they could be important.

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