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6th Grade Math

Math is so much fun and it teaches you so much on skills we use today.


One project I will choose to talk about is one where we would have to sell something ourselves and onate the money to charity.

For this project we has the choice of working alone or with partners. I chose to willingly work with another partner, Jenny, and I chose to work in a team since it is very helpful and makes a huge impact on projects and makes them better since there is two working on it together, making the project being created twice as fast.

For this we had to sell atleast ten items and earn money from them. 


Our sales included 1 dollar for a baggie of three cookies, homemade. Some bags included a both M&M cookies and sugar cookies, while others included just sugar or M&M cookies.

We made 45 cookies in total and sold them all before we knew it, and had earned $15 dollars to donate to charity. 

While buying ingrediants we used up 7 dollars so we got our money back plus $8 for sales.


I did very well and loved this project because it showed us how to make sales and how hard it can actually be and what the steps are in creating a company to sell and seek customers to sell our products. This project taught me so much and even more since I could sell items and acutally earn money and be able to donate it to charity for the Holidays. 

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