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Art by Malena TJ

Science is probably one of my favourite classes, and it has been for a while, in Science we learn about new subjects invloving science, onces we've learned about for a while, like genetics, and facts we've known but did not look into before, like natural selection or animal mutations. Science has probably got to be the most interesting and informative class we've been in and has to be one of the most eventful, we have projects very often in the class, which is for every new topic we learn, I've learned a lot this year in this class, many different topics, new and relearned or adding on to what we've already learned.  

Vote for the Cell Wall!

This project, everyone got really involved, we all went all out in "political wars" and we're creating smears and making alliances and "enemies". 

This was were you chose an orgenelle which you will put up against the rest of the orgenells to see who will become the new president of "Cell-land" while "Nobelius Nucleus" steps down from his duties. This was very interesting and educational in a few factors.

One was that you get your own point of view in political wars and see what its like while others smear you, or you make alliances to get to the top to win the elections


Another was that it really encouraged students to want to gather more information and research more on their organelle and others to see what they can say about themselves or about the other organelles.

This was a modern thing which gave a realistic view on the modern events of today, including the elections happening soon, and even allowed students to want to win so they succeed in the elections, which made students have to really think creativly about how to win and what they should do to get votes, because the 7th graders weren't the only ones votings. (Seriously if it was just us, everyone would just vote for themselves. ) they had to gather votes from the lower grades, including 6th A& B, and 5th A & B.  Which made students make multiple votes, banners, stickers, and posters for the other grades to read and see. 

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