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This was the 2nd year of the chairty fair. 

The chairty fair gave many helpful factors to students, one was that you get to work with your own point of view of working while creating, and buying materials, and even having to sell it for a price which fits it and which would earn you money.

And another good factor is you get to learn about selling it and competition against making something good so your items sell well and others would want to buy it, it makes a student make something they think others would buy and like, something you can probably use in the future so you can know how to use math in the future with this kind of work.

In this project it impacted me because I had to work with people I barely had worked with before, and we all had different things we were good at so we chose to create and do the part we were best suited to, and we worked together to see how much it would cost to buy some fabric, socks, knitting the scarves, and cotton.

To make one it took a lot of effort and work to make it look nice then turn it inside out, and fill it with cotton. 

I knitted (or rather crocheted the scarves because it's much simpler than knitting) the thin and short scarves for each of the marshmallows to make them look warm and ready for winter! 

We orignally got the idea while looking for Christmas Gifts DIY's and found ones about giant marshmallow plushes, it seemed too large so we decided to do smaller ones with different faces. 

 It turned out to look super cute and it made people go crazy over them, we sold out less than an hour before, and even had 5 custom orders and refused to take about 10 more from other people who wanted custom orders for a new one. 

It gave us a look on how hard it is to make a small buisness especially if you make it all yourself and not get others or machines to do it, it gave us a look on the real world and how it could be for someone in the future. 

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