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Flood Proof Housing by the Flood Fighters!

Flood Proof Housing?

Yes, the idea on Flood Proof housing was because of the flood that happened in North Korea, the point of the house was to help Korean citizens with their flood and create houses for the future so they can be able to survive floods without harm and the lost money and infrastructure. Now our house we made contains two floors, and two bathrooms, and the house is available for a family of 4 to 6.

About the project

During the course of the project, we had researched about different countries to find that North Korea had recently suffered a terrible flood, and so had the outskirts of China that connected with North Korea. We had researched what they lost, how much they needed to fix it, and what had happened to buildings and people. And to create our new house, we needed to know the materials North Korea had that we can use for the house, so we decided on multiple materials for if the house was real and improvised with cardboard and ducktape to create the two story house, now for the test, the house was tested with real water and surived it and was completely dry on the inside, meaning our house was officially water proof!

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