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Code Academy

Code Academy is a free webite with a main purpose to teach it's user about coding.

Any kind of coding actually, this includes: Python, JavaScript, HTML. Ruby, and so much more.


This websiteis solely made to teach us skills on computer engineering. The course in it that I am taking at this time is: HTML.

Which is a type of coding made to create webpages and/or websites, which today is a big help to students and/or educators which lets them see how simple or hard it is to create a websites so they can make one too for schoolor for themselves.



Code Academy's Course

Since it's free many people have hopped onto this page and began to start coding with Code Academy.

This page only teaches you how to code in some languages, not all. But you will have to keep in mind that the language could change bit by bit each time and we are unknown to how upadated the website is.

This website checks to see if you're correct or not with it's current knowledge of it's coding language.


I really enjoyed this website because it lists to me what I would like to learn and it also lists to me how long it takes to learn it and how far in th course I have gotten and how much in each lesson I have gone through, in the course.

In class,

we use many different websites and applications to help us learn different subjects and lessons in  class, these are mostly games or activities we can interact with and learn in our own pace or learn faster than usually.

We learn about so much and can interact so much with websites and applications many of them teach us differnet things, or have more information or less information.

Some teach us in different ways than others and it is good to have this because it can teach us many different skills of the 21st Century.

Tech Tools 6th Grade

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