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How to survive 8th Grade in AdVENTURE

Take notes, because I may know what I'm talking about.
Now as an 8th grader I've spent 4 years at this school, so I know what I'm talking about, I've had my fair share of being annoying to the teacher, talking in class, and doing what I'm really not supposed to do. (But you didn't hear this from me).
Anyways, I've been through the cliche drama, misbehavior, and anything else you'd probably find in a cliche school show or movie (except for cliques, we don't have those) I've been through it. So here's my tips and advice for you to survive more than I did this year. 
And if it leads you into problems, it wasn't me, I never told you this, go it?

What's notebook organization?

Aren't you curious, why do you need it anyways? Well, I've learned the harsh way that organizing and neatly writing and putting your notes in a readable and find able, especially in Ms. Hogen-esch's class, she may be strict, but she's teaching you useful information when it comes to notebook organizations. You'll need it especially for tests and notebook checks, and it also just seems so satisfying to open and see how neat your notebook is. Also, you'll really need it in highschool when taking notes or studying for tests or reminders on what you learned. I've found inspiration and ideas of notebook studying techniques and organization by finding instagram and tumblr bullet journalists and student/professional/hobbyist notebook organizers and study organization. 
I've had this way to much, when I had solo projects or projects that I've been given something to do on my own by my team, I've most likely procrastinated it. Since 5th grade this is a common hassle for me, and I'm sure it is for you too. I even have confessions about many projects I've heavily procrastinated on. Know the 6th grade Genius Hour, did it the night before, nobody found out, until now. Anyways, procrastination can lead to little to no sleep the night before, and leave you grumpy and stressed out before. You'll absolutely hate the experience, but probably tell everyone about how you "didn't even sleep." last night, and don't even think you've never done that, because I know you have and so have I. 
Anyways, some unsuccessful projects that I've turned in the day after I did it seem so low quality, so rushed, and so terrible, if I could redo any projects, it'd be all the ones I've procrastinated on, because they are probably one of my worst looking projects ever. 

Procrastination is the key to rushing and unsuccessful project!

Teachers do so much for you, you don't even know!

Ask anyone in 8th grade AdVENTURE, that we appreciate teachers more than we show, because this year we've learned the hard way that teachers do more for us than we thought. We learned that our teachers plan new activities to make class fun and educational instead of making it easy for themselves and making boring lessons from books. They take precious time and sometimes use their own cash to make a project or give items to the class for them to enjoy a lesson they are making for us. You should appreciate all your teachers and especially what they do for you, because they plan and take time our of their day to think of you and for you, so you can enjoy your classes everyday in AdVENTURE, sure everyday is not the most amazing, but if you take time to think, most labs or lessons or projects are entirely planned and made by your teacher in AdVENTURE just for you and your class's educational purpose. 

Am I allowed to go back in time and change me 5th grade self?

I was so different back in my 5th grade year, I liked different things, I saw the world from a more naive point of view, I did different things, and I thought so differently. AdVENTURE really has shaped the person I am today, without this experience I really don't know who I'd be or how I'd act. And frankly, I'm not curious, I like the way I grew up to be these past 4 years, and I wouldn't trade anything for it. Now if I could go back in time though to change what I did in projects and how I acted in 5th grade, I'd probably change the way I argued and was so selfish in group works, the way I acted all on my own, and how I acted towards others and especially towards teachers. But work wise, I really didn't think much of work an projects in 5th and 6th grade, I never thought of what I was gaining and only thought of a grade. But in the late 6th grade and all o 7th grade, I've learned so much about what I really was gaining and learning and how I could really put it forth in the future, and for you the reader, when working on projects and with group, in the after math think of what you are taking away from this, and what you think you really liked or could improve on too.

Such a difficult year! But so enjoyable too!

This year was so... jam packed! I had so many good experiences and some minor ones too. Besides thinking about high school and my classes in the future, projects were piling up on my plate of the year, we were given projects almost every week (or two weeks) from so many different classes and from different subjects. But some projects turned out to be an ultimate favorite, or an ultimate downer (for me at least. My favorite portions was projects that includes so much modern issues or ideas we can use in the real world, and so much of social studies this year was devoted to modern issues of the worlds, socially or politically, which was such an eye opener, and different views and issues of the world around that many students don't seem to up to date on anymore. Engineering was completely devoted to different things engineering can do in our future lives or in our current modern lives, that's happening right now, and in science we've learned around different info about the world that revolves around us and that we thought we knew much about, but really didn't. This whole year was so educational and so enjoyable to learn about.
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