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My Game

So since this class is game design, we have been spending many weeks creating from scratch our own action game, which has to consist of the requirements which was given on a rubric to us, and was listed on edmodo and

This would mean that we would have to have all the requirements for our game to get all 200 points. 

So for this class we would be graded a lot of points on a project that we spennt more than enough time on, and most of us probably procrastinated on, but it would soon be graded and either most likely raise our grade or lower it.

Game Design Class

At the beginning of the course for this class we spent many weeks on creating an action game as a project.

In this class we mainly learned a useful skill that we might need to know in the future, which is Flash CS6. 

Flash is used to create animations or games, and it takes a good amount of time to learn it's language and know how to use it to learn to create a game (while simple animation takes many layers and frames) 

And we learned so much about differnet action games that fall into the Action genre and some types of games we can create for the Action Game course.

Game Design

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